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Report Name |
Description |
1. | Birthdays This Month | This report lists everyone in the database, dead or alive, whose birthday is during the current month. This report is only as good as the information in my database! |
2. | Birthdays this Month (Living) | This report lists the living individuals in the database whose birthdays happen in the current month. This report is only as good as the information in my database! |
3. | Today's Birthdays | This report lists everyone in the database, alive or dead, whose birthday is today. This report is only as good as the information in my database! |
4. | Birthdays of the Living (sorted by birthday) | This report is great for seeing whose birthday is coming up soon.
This report is only as good as the information in my database! |
5. | Birthdays of the Living, in alphabetic order | This report is only as good as the information in my database! |